ISSN 1654-9163 (print)   ISSN 2001-7235 (online)

The Abraham Zelmanov Journal

The journal for General Relativity, gravitation and cosmology

About the Journal

This journal is named after Abraham Zelmanov (1913-1987), a prominent scientist working in the General Theory of Relativity and cosmology, whose main goal was the mathematical apparatus for calculation of the physical observable quantities in the General Theory of Relativity (it is also known as the theory of chronometric invariants). He also developed the basics of the theory of an inhomogeneous anisotropic universe, and the classification of all possible models of cosmology which could be theoretically conceivable in the space-time of General Relativity (the Zelmanov classification). He also introduced the Anthropic Principle and the Infinite Relativity Principle in cosmology. A short biographic essay about Zelmanov is published in Volume 1 (2008) of the journal.

The main idea of this journal is to publish most creative works on relativity produced by the modern authors, and also the legacy of the classics which was unaccessed in English before. This journal therefore is targeted for submissions containing a valuable result in the General Theory of Relativity, gravitation, cosmology, and also the related themes from physics, mathematics, and astronomy. All submitted papers should be in good English, and be designed in LaTeX format using our LaTeX template. The list of software needed to type LaTeX is shown on the right side of this page. The typeset LaTeX file(s) should be submitted to Secretary or Editor of the journal.

This journal is a non-commercial, academic edition. All accepted articles are published in the journal free of charge. The journal is printed from private donations. To order printed copies, contact the Secretary or the Editor.

At present, publishing The Abraham Zelmanov Journal is posponed. We currently do not consider new submissions. We offer to redirect all submissions to Progress in Physics, the journal of physics containing a substantial part of publications on General Relativity and cosmology. Download the published issues and individual papers of The Abraham Zelmanov Journal below, please.

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Issues of the Journal

Complete issues of The Abraham Zelmanov Journal and individual papers published therein are accessible free of charge, in PDF format, through the direct links to the archive of this journal. To download individual papers or a complete issue, select link near the required paper or issue of the journal in this list.

Attention readers: numerous papers have been improved in the online edition of the journal after their prior publication, according to the errata submitted by the authors. Accordingly, the respective complete issues, containing these papers, have been reloaded as well. We would like to keep the online edition of the journal tidy. Therefore, please make sure that you own the correct (improved) copies of these papers according to the respective marks in this list.

⇩ vol.1 (2008) ⇩ vol.2 (2009) ⇩ vol.3 (2010) ⇩ vol.4 (2011) ⇩ vol.5 (2012)

Volume 5 (2012)

Download the complete issue:  2.5 Mb PDF
(updated with errata on January 24, 2024)

Dmitri Rabounski
Non-Linear Cosmological Redshift: The Exact Theory According to General Relativity [ PDF ]
Ebenezer Ndikilar Chifu
Gravitational Fields Exterior to Homogeneous Spheroidal Masses [ PDF ]
Alexis Larrañaga and Sindi Mojica
Geometric Thermodynamics of Kerr-AdS Black Hole with the Cosmological Constant as a State Variable [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
Why a Background Persistent Field Must Exist in the Extended Theory of General Relativity [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
Traversable Space-Time Wormholes Sustained by the Negative Energy Electromagnetic Field [ PDF ]
Alexis Larrañaga and Juan Carlos Jimenez
On the Komar Energy and the Generalized Smarr Formula for a Charged Black Hole Inspired by Noncommutative Geometry [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
Lichnérowicz's Theory of Spinors in General Relativity: the Zelmanov Approach [ PDF ]
Joseph C. Hafele
Earth Flyby Anomalies Explained by a Time-Retarded Causal Version of Newtonian Gravitational Theory [ PDF ]
Nikolai A. Kozyrev
Possibility of Experimental Study of the Properties of Time [ PDF ]
Pierre A. Millette
Elastodynamics of the Spacetime Continuum [ PDF ]

Volume 4 (2011)

Download the complete issue:  3.2 Mb PDF
(updated with errata on October 25, 2012)

Dmitri Rabounski and Larissa Borissova
A Theory of Frozen Light According to General Relativity [ PDF ]
Juan Manuel Tejeiro and Alexis Larrañaga
A Three-Dimensional Charged Black Hole Inspired by Non-Commutative Geometry [ PDF ]
Eyo E. Ita III
Instanton Representation of Plebanski Gravity. Gravitational Instantons from the Classical Formalism [ PDF ]
Eyo E. Ita III
Instanton Representation of Plebanski Gravity. Application to the Schwarzschild Metric [ PDF ]
Eyo E. Ita III
Instanton Representation of Plebanski Gravity. Consistency of the Initial Value Constraints under Time Evolution [ PDF ]
Robert C. Fletcher
Radial Distance on a Stationary Frame in a Homogeneous and Isotropic Universe [ PDF ]
Dmitri Rabounski
Cosmological Mass-Defect — A New Effect of General Relativity [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
The EGR Field Quantization [ PDF ]
Robert C. Fletcher
On a c(t)-Modified Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker Universe [ PDF ]

Volume 3 (2010)

Download the complete issue:  0.7 Mb PDF
(updated with errata on May 31, 2011)

Larissa Borissova
De Sitter Bubble as a Model of the Observable Universe [ PDF ]
Larissa Borissova
Gravitational Waves and Gravitational Inertial Waves According to the General Theory of Relativity [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
Behaviour of the EGR Persistent Vacuum Field Following the Lichnérowicz Matching Conditions [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
Geodesics and Finslerian Equations in the EGR Theory [ PDF ]
Indranu Suhendro
A Hydrodynamical Geometrization of Matter and Chronometricity in General Relativity [ PDF ]

Volume 2 (2009)

Download the complete issue:  1.9 Mb PDF
(updated with errata on May 26, 2013)

Arbab Ibrahim Arbab
Cosmological Models in the Generalized Einstein Action [ PDF ]
Dmitri Rabounski
Hubble Redshift due to the Global Non-Holonomity of Space [ PDF ]
Frank Robert Tangherlini
Preface of 2009 to "The Velocity of Light in Uniformly Moving Frames" [ PDF ]
Frank Robert Tangherlini
The Velocity of Light in Uniformly Moving Frames. A Dissertation. Stanford University, 1958 [ PDF ]
Frank Robert Tangherlini
Maxwell's Equations and the Absolute Lorentz Transformation [ PDF ]
Gregory B. Malykin and Edward G. Malykin
Tangherlini's Dissertation and Its Significance for Physics of the 21th Century [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
The EGR Theory: An Extended Formulation of General Relativity [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
Charged Particle in the Extended Formulation of General Relativity [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
On the Physical Nature of the Wave Function: A New Approach through the EGR Theory [ PDF ]
Dmitri Rabounski
On the Speed of Rotation of Isotropic Space: Insight into the Redshift Problem [ PDF ]
Larissa Borissova
The Gravitational Field of a Condensed Matter Model of the Sun: The Space Breaking Meets the Asteroid Strip [ PDF ]
Patrick Marquet
The Generalized Warp Drive Concept in the EGR Theory [ PDF ]

Volume 1 (2008)

Download the complete issue:  3.2 Mb PDF
(updated with errata on July 21, 2024)

Ole Rømer
A Presentation Concerning the Propagation of Light Determined by Monsieur Rømer of the Royal Academy of Sciences [ PDF ]
Loránd Eötvös
On the Gravitation Produced by the Earth on Different Substances [ PDF ]
Karl Schwarzschild
On the Gravitational Field of a Point-Mass, According to Einstein's Theory [ PDF ]
Karl Schwarzschild
On the Gravitational Field of a Sphere of Incompressible Liquid, According to Einstein's Theory [ PDF ]
Abraham Zelmanov
On the Relativistic Theory of an Anisotropic Inhomogeneous Universe [ PDF ]
Karl Schwarzschild
On the Permissible Numerical Value of the Curvature of Space [ PDF ]
Georges Sagnac
The Luminiferous Ether is Detected as a Wind Effect Relative to the Ether Using a Uniformly Rotating Interferometer [ PDF ]
Georges Sagnac
Regarding the Proof for the Existence of a Luminiferous Ether Using a Rotating Inteferometer Experiment [ PDF ]
Alexei Petrov
The Classification of Spaces Determining the Fields of Gravitation [ PDF ]
Kyril Stanyukovich
On the Problem of the Existence of Stable Particles in the Metagalaxy [ PDF ]
Kyril Stanyukovich
On Increasing Entropy in an Infinite Universe [ PDF ]
Kyril Stanyukovich
On the Evolution of the Fundamental Physical Constants [ PDF ]
Erling Poulsen
Biography of Ole Rømer (1644-1710) [ PDF ]
Zoltán Szabó
Biography of Loránd Eötvös (1848-1919) [ PDF ]
Indranu Suhendro
Biography of Karl Schwarzschild (1873-1916) [ PDF ]
Dmitri Rabounski
Biography of Abraham Zelmanov (1913-1987) [ PDF ]
Dmitri Rabounski
Biography of Alexei Petrov (1910-1972) [ PDF ]


The Abraham Zelmanov Journal is an open-access journal, published according to the Budapest Open Initiative. The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 2.5 Sweden License. This means, in particular, that electronic copying, distribution, and printing of both full-size version of the journal and the individual papers published therein for non-commercial, academic or individual use can be made by any user without permission or charge.

This website exists at the request of the Publisher/Editor, in order to help safequard the electronic version of The Abraham Zelmanov Journal to be independent distributed for any user free of charge.

Copyright © The Abraham Zelmanov Journal

Dmitri Rabounski

Indranu Suhendro

The Abraham Zelmanov Journal is an annually issue scientific journal registered with the Royal National Library of Sweden.


This page also represents selected monographs, authored by the Authors of the Journal. Electronic copies of all the books are available for free download and re-distribution for any user free of charge, according to the copyright agreement printed on Page 2 of each book, which is according to the Budapest Open Initiative:

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.  Inside Stars. The 4th revised and improved edition, New Scientific Frontiers, London, 2025 [ English ] [ Russian ]

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.  Fields, Vacuum, and the Mirror Universe. The 3rd revised edition, New Scientific Frontiers, London, 2023 [ English ] [ Français ] [ Russian ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.  Particles Here and Beyond the Mirror. The 4th revised edition, New Scientific Frontiers, London, 2023 [ English ] [ Français ] [ Russian ]

Millette P.A.  Elastodynamics of the Spacetime Continuum. The 2nd expanded edition, American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2019 [ Download ]

Suhendro I.  Spin-Curvature and the Unification of Fields in a Twisted Space. Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008 [ Download ]

Lehnert B.  A Revised Electromagnetic Theory with Fundamental Applications. Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008 [ Download ]

Zelmanov A.  Chronometric Invariants. The 1944 PhD thesis, American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2006 [ English ] [ Russian ]


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